Thursday, December 21, 2017


Sunday, December 10, 2017

दूसरे बड़े साहब IAS?

पहले मैंने लिखा था बड़े साहब  (click to read)

कई दिनों से सामने वाली बिल्डिंग में एक घर खाली पड़ा था। एक दिन अचानक देखा कि घर की सफाई शुरू हो गई। सारी खिड़कियां खोली गई । सारा कचरा निकाल के बाहर फेंक दिया गया। दूसरे दिन ताम झाम के साथ कुछ लोग आए और हर कमरे में अलग-अलग रंगों से पुताई होने लगी। खिड़कियों की मरम्मत शुरु हो गई। दो दिन तक यहीं कार्यक्रम चला फिर अचानक से कुछ आवाज आई जैसे की ड्रिल मशीन चल रही हो मैं समझ गया कि घर में जगह-जगह पर कीलो के लिए जगह बनाई जा रही है जहां कुछ भी टांगना लटकाना हो उसके लिए प्रयास हो रहा है। 
दरवाजों की मरम्मत भी हुई  एकदम नए बन गए और जो भी दीवारों पर टूट फूट हुई थी उसकी भी पूरी मरम्मत हो गई क्योंकि इसके बाद ही तो पुताई हुई होगी 
सारी खिड़कियों में नई प्लास्टिक की जाली लग गई। एक शाम को जब हम घर पहुंचे तो देखा कि उस घर में बड़ा ताला लगा हुआ था पर सारे घर की बत्तियां जली हुई थी कमरों में से चमकता हुआ प्रकाश बाहर झलक रहा था उस ओर मुंह करके देखने से ऐसा लग रहा था जैसे कि मानो मुझे चिढ़ा रहा हो ।

एक शाम को कुछ लोग उस घर को देखने के लिए आए तब पता चला कि यह तो ऊपर वाले घर में जो IAS साहब रहते हैं उनके ही जान पहचान के हैं क्योंकि वह दोनों परिवार एक साथ उस घर को देखने गए थे
कहां-कहां कमी हुई होगी सब देख के बाहर आए इसका मतलब कि इस घर में आने वाले सज्जन भी एक कोई बड़े साहब होएंगे।

हम तीसरी मंजिल पर रहते हैं तीन चार साल से इस घर मे रह रहे हैं और रोज कुछ न कुछ कोई न कोई परेशानी हो ही  जाती है। कभी रसोई में कभी गुसलखाने मे नल खराब हो जाता है कभी दूसरे गुसलखाने मे पानी ही नहीं आता है। और जब भी बरसात होती है तो घर के एक हिस्से में दीवारों से पानी टपकने लगता है
जहां हम खाना खाते हैं बैठकर उस कमरे में दीवाल से खिड़की की तरफ ढेरों पानी बहने लगता है
 बरसात  के  दिनो  मे इन  डिब्बो मे पनी भर भर कर फेक्ना  ही पूूूूरे  दिन चलता रह्ता ।

चोके के बगल में बाहर की बालकनी में तो छत में बड़े-बड़े छेद से दिखते हैं और झमाझम पानी गिरता है इसलिए उस बालकनी का प्रयोग कुछ भी सामान रखने में हम नहीं कर सकते हैं 

कुछ दिन पहले खिड़कियों में लकड़ी के फ्रेम लगाए गए थे और उनमें महीन  जाली भी लगाई गई शायद मच्छरों से बचाव के लिए क्योंकि यहां पर मलेरिया का प्रकोप बहुत है 
पर बीते दिनों में डेंगू चिकनगुनिया जैसे भी बीमारियों का प्रकोप बढ़ रहा है एक तरफ यह अच्छा कदम है कि खिड़कियों में जाली लग जाने से मच्छर घर में प्रवेश नहीं कर पाएंगे परंतु हमारे घर में जो लकड़ी के फ्रेम लगाए गए खिड़कियों में वैसे लगाए गए हैं कि खिड़की के चारों तरफ इतनी जगह छूट गई है कि उसमें से छिपकलियां कॉकरोच और  रेंगने वाले जीव बे रोक-टोक बेहिचक आ जा सकते हैं
चौके में आए दिन ढेर सारे कॉकरोच का आगमन हो जाता है उस समय बस झाड़ू लकड़ी या फिर हिट जोकि मच्छर मारने की दवा के रुप में प्रयोग किया जाता है
पर जाली लगने से कम से कम 95% मच्छरों में कमी आई है पर वहीं दूसरी तरफ कॉकरोच की जैसे बाढ़ आ गई हो उसको हम रोक नहीं सकते हैं
कई बार शिकायत करी पर कोई कार्य न हो सका ?! अब हमारी पत्नी ने खिड़कियों की उपर मोटी मोटी दरारों में छोटी लकड़ियां और सफेद सिमेंट के जरिए कीटों का रास्ता रोकने का प्रयास किया है !
एक दिन हमारे किचन में exhaust फैन लगा था उसको बनाने वाले आए थे उस दौरान ऑन ऑफ करने पर उसमें चिंगारियां निकलने लगी तदोपरांत वे लोग उसको खोल के ले गए और अब लगभग 3 साल होने को आया है हम अभी भी उसका इंतजार कर रहे हैं`।  je इंजीनियर के ऑफिस में/ दफ्तर में शिकायत दर्ज करवाई है लगातार कई बार मिलने के बाद दो अप्लीकेशन देने के बाद भी कोई कार्यवाही नहीं हुई।

हमारे घर में सारे दरवाजों में दीमक लगे हुए हैं।  24 घंटा दरवाजों से बुरादा सा गिरता रहता है और उसको इकट्ठा करना भी एक मुश्किल काम लग रहा है। दरवाजे के नीचे हमारी पत्नी ने कुछ कागज आदि लगाकर इकट्ठा करने का प्रयास किया है।  पर उन दरवाजों में जगह-जगह खोखला पन हो गया है जहां भी  छुआ जाता है तो और उसमें से मीट्टी गिरती है।
 पर हमारे घर के दरवाजों की कोई मरम्मत नहीं हुई है। इसलिए जब सामने वाले दोनो घरों में यह तथाकथित  बड़े साहब आए उनके आने के पहले ही सारे घर की मरम्मत कर दी गई जैसे कि एकदम नया घर हो।
रंगाई पुताई, दरवाजों की मरम्मत, खिड़कियों की मरम्मत, बिजली का व्यवस्था नल की व्यवस्था कर दी गई तो अपने ऊपर एक घृणा / छिड़क भाव उत्पन्न हो रहा है|  कि हम क्या हैं? एक मानव है या इन IAS या अधिकारियों के लिए कीड़े हैं?  क्या हम लोगों को घर में रहने का अधिकार नहीं है?  हमारे घर की मरम्मत आवश्यक नहीं है?  क्या हम लोग ऐसे ही टूटे फूटे घरों में रहने को मजबूर होंगे? और इंजीनियर साहब के पैर रगडे ? तब जाके हमारे घर की मरम्मत होगी?
कब  लोग  अपना  काम  ठीक  से करेंगे ?

Monday, November 27, 2017

Mother is a #mother always

Mother is a word of global truth. No one on this earth can deny. We respect Mother even more than God. A mother was boiling milk for her infant. The almighty appeared before her. As she was conversing and customary welcoming Gods, suddenly milk started boiling and flowing out of pan. Leaving everything mother rushed toward the stove to stop milk from flowing out of pan. That time God asked the mother whom you prefer? baby or milk? as God saw that she left everything even God and the baby but she rushed to save milk. She said what will i feed if milk flows out of pan? I mean mother didn't think anything else but she only thought about hunger of her baby. 
I think there is no need to elaborate about greatness of Mothers. Every child knows the value of mother and sacrifice she made to bring us up. 
Even it is said  Janani Janma-bhoomi-scha Swargadapi Gariyasi
jananī janmabhūmiśca svargādapi garīyasī in Sanskrit and found reference in Ramayana means
Mother and Motherland are greater than heavens
अपि स्वर्णमयी लङ्का न मे लक्ष्मण रोचते जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी
"Lakshmana, even this golden Lanka does not appeal to me, mother and motherland are greater than heaven." Shri Rama uttered while addressing his younger brother Lakshmana after their victory over Ravana
I found one song starring great NTR. these three alphabets are enough, no need to elaborate who he is? 

But our mother always do hard work just for her family without thinking about her own sufferings even for a minute.
She has to bring drinking water from well that required lot of physical strength, hard work. Her hands might have got bruises. But without thinking that she did it and brought water for everyone in house. For drinking, washing utensils, washing vegetables etc, even for bathing!! So never ever ridicule mothers.

Where water is not available in home she goes out to nearest source of water such as pond, river, lake etc to wash utensils, wash our cloths, and even to take bath? A great hard work she does.

In desert and some areas drought prone areas? she has to walk miles to bring water for her family members. In some areas Men had married two or three women just to meet the demand of water. Since to bring water women has to walk miles so major part of day time goes into fetching water, thus to have some one in the house to look after the work of house people marry two or three women. So at any time one or two women remain in house.

In Desert areas water is so scarce even not a drop water is to be wasted? Many times utensils are to be washed by sand at first. But in hot temperature mother washes utensil

Imagine when electricity was not available  in our homes, how our mothers used to cook food for family? This Advertisement is for lanterns/stoves etc but how many mothers were able to procure such gadgets? Even a house had but it was not kept in kitchen for benefit of mother? So she had to use other means for light.

Mother is always mother wherever you go on this earth. 

  Mothers had to do lot many things that we don't imagine? Not far from present times, mother has to churn the curd so as to make Butter and Buttermilk. Butter for boys and men (there was times when it used to be, but now time has changed) and butter milk to cook few dishes or add on to the food. लस्सी Lassi  छॉछ  chach. Moreover onus of responsibility to save or conserve our traditional dishes cuisines as per the regions is also rests on shoulders of our mothers. If they do not do this then within no time our traditional dishes will vanish and McDonald etc store will take over.
It is only mother that has saved our traditions, Traditional cuisines from generations to generations, from Mother to Daughters, from mother-in-laws to daughter-in-laws. Passed on orally very few instances are where they have written down their recipes. Also there are kitchens we will find most decorated in few parts of India. Mostly in rural parts, since urban areas have compact spaces and thus they dont have choice. In rural areas we have this as a duty that also rests with the mothers, daughters of house to decorate our kitchens. Kutch Rajasthan and such areas still have this traditions.

Whatever the season, whatever the material of kitchen our mothers have always performed their duties with utmost responsibility.

Do you remember the story Idgah written by most respected writer Prem Chand ji often called as Munshi Prem Chand.

Asi-Te-Karave Yied (2008) is a Kashmiri adaption of the story by Shehjar Children’s Theatre Group, 

Hamid a small boy, forced by circumstances to live with her grandmother. He goes to the fair that is held on the occasion of Eid. He had some money with him that his poor grandmother gave him out of her savings. That coin he could have spent on anything given that he is a small child. He could have eaten sweet, or a toy. As other boys bought toys few of mud/clay few machines.

But Hamid saved all the wealth he had- that coin in his hand. At last he bought what we call as chimta, in English i think it is called a TONG? because he had seen how his grandmother gets her fingers burn while tossing roti on the tawa, or in chulha (stove? what is word in English for chulha???))
While reading it i always weep before finishing this story. It is so heart touching story written by the Magician of words Shri Prem Chand ji. He had written in Hindustani language. 

In dim lights also she cooks, at the cost of health of her eyes?

After all cooking she has to wash all that is left by her family members. Do we think about this after we take or finish our meals at home? It is only mother that washes all such utensils without even thinking anything or making faces on seeing looking at his mess. 

Friday, November 10, 2017

Child Abuse - why this?

Why me? What wrong I have done? Why this happened to me? 
But this is happening to me every time when I sit alone in my room. The ghost always comes and tries to take over me.
This thing had happened to me many years back.
But still it haunts me. Why?
At That time, when it happened,  I could not notice what happened to me? Even after almost after 30 years now I am unable to know, as to why this happened to me????

After so many years still I am crawling in a shell, where everything is dark. There is no way out. But why?
He is a devil for me. Just a thought of him is enough to ruin me.

I was just sitting alone in my room and light entering through the window. I tried to look outside window to see, how beautiful this world is?

But suddenly a thought attacked my mind. It enters in mind like an unseen virus and i feel as if  his fingers touching all over my body

I was child of 12 years when for the first time he came to our house. He was an stage actor. He used to stay with us at our home during dussehra festival.
Then i could not notice what closeness meant.  He used to stay in my home on many occasions. He would come to my study room and to my table. he would cajole me while standing behind. The chair at my back worked as a barrier between me and him. But my shoulders, neck and cheeks all were in his touching range. He would liberally caress all over. 
Once there was seminar and he stayed in our home over night. i used to study late in night. After studying i slept. In night i felt something un-usual. I could not make out. But while sleeping i found myself cuddled to him. He was much elder to me. 
From that night unusual things started happening to me while sleeping.
I felt him cuddling to me and kissing me. He encircled his arms around me, so that i was in his complete grip of arms. with pauses he used to kiss me and sometimes tried to hug me tightly. whenever i used to feel uncomfortable due to his tight grip of arms he would immediately loosen his arms and planted liquid kisses, as if assuring that nothing to worry. 
These kind of cuddling carried on for days without my noticing any un-common things. And these things happened while sleeping, so i could not notice. But once he encircled me with his grip of arms, that time they were strong arms for me. he grabbed me so tightly that while sleeping i felt uncomfortable, suddenly my body reacted and i tired to come out of his grip, swiftly he loosened his arms and kissed me while caresing with arms over me. I felt that liquid on me, on my forehead and cheeks.
In the middle of night in slumber, again i went to sleep.
Again he tried. By this time i had become used to all these cuddling kisses etc while sleeping.
He had put one leg crossed over me, while holding me in his arms. he continued to cares me, my hairs, cheeks and body. he planted kisses over me. slightly pressing his leg on me. he started applying pressure on my body with his leg and knee. He had by then removed his banyan. thus i could get smell of sweat of his chest and arms. He kissed me on forehead and said good child.

I could feel his warm breath. It became heavier & heavier with high frequency. He put his big palm on my chest and slowly pressing on me. then i found that he had removed the lungi, the drape which he was wearing. Slowly he then took me more close to his belly. my body was touching his bare chest and belly. there was nothing between me and his body. He adjusted me beside his body so that my right hand was between his legs.  when my hand touched his belly and skin of his thigh then i came to know that he was without underwear.
Suddenly he guided my right arm, towards his front area where both his legs met. he adjusted his leg over me and made my hand grip that body  part. It was a tube like, bulging thing. It was tickling also. it was a hard tube like but with smooth skin. he made my hand to hold it in grip. Then he pressed his leg over me and grabbed my body as to take me under his belly. his kisses increased. he started breathing more heavily over me. he tightened his arms around me so i felt he will break my bones. suddenly that point of time I must have tried to come out of his clutches then he loosened his grip and with more frequency started kissing me. 
He by now grew more impatient. he started kissing with rolling tongue on my cheeks. he tried to suck my cheeks into his mouth. i felt his saliva all over my cheeks. His long warm fleshy tongue rolled over me giving a very warm fleshy sensation, which i had never felt before. he then paused. so as to assuring me. Again in slumber i tried to sleep. but after few moments he again started all those acts over me. But this time his aggression was more. with his strong arms grip tightened and his mouth started working over my face. his tongue acted as if cleaning all my face.
with his tight grip of arms he drew me close and pressed under his belly. he started doing some to and fro motion over my body. in between he also tried to put my hand over his tool which was very hard & erect. he started pressing me more vigorously.  when his pressure grew unbearable i tried to come out of his grip. Then he loosened and in that DARKness he said what happened my child. 

After few days when he stayed again in our house he made me to cling his body. He was well built and elder to me. while sleeping as usual i felt some unusual things but those had become usual to me by then. He was encircling me from behind, caressing my body. His bare chest was touching my bare back. He must have removed slightly my dress at back. when he tightened his grips over me i felt uncomfortable, and thus tried to move. At that point he forcibly stopped me from turning. As i was in in grip of his strong arms around me i could not move. He started applying pressure on me with tight hug. But he was trying to be gentle also, as he many times loosened his grip over me and kissed me as if assuring  that " Do not to worry". Actually he was grooming me into all this trap.
After some time when again i fell in sleep he might have tried all his force on my back due to that i wokeup and tried to come out of his grip. But i was no match to his mighty strong arms i could not.
He became violent. Vigorously he kissed me with tightening his strong arms around me and with force he thrusted his belly at my back. He applied saliva at my back and thrust himself. I felt strange and blown to pieces at that touch of saliva and his flesh at my back. He was halfway through at that moment feeling extremely unusual with help of God i got some strength and i could come out of his grips. Ran out and closed myself into bathroom, i dont know for how long.

All these thought come over me again and again

Friday, November 03, 2017

बड़े साहब

घर के सामने एक गाड़ी गली में खड़ी हुई थी उसपर लिखा था जिला प्रशासन। कुछ मजदूर दरवाजा खोलकर गाड़ी में से सामान उतारकर दूसरे मंजिल के एक घर में ले जा रहे थे यह उपक्रम एक-दो दिन चला। गाड़ी आती सामान उतरता और चली जाती। फिर कुछ दिन के बाद उस घर में से तरह-तरह की आवाजें आने लगी। क्योंकि वह घर कई दिनों से खाली पड़ा था इसलिए अचानक से तरह-तरह की आवाजों से सबका ध्यान उस तरफ आकर्षित होता था। मेरा भी हुआ।

अचानक देखा खिड़कियों की रंगाई पुताई होने लगी। दरवाजों की रंगाई पुताई हुई। ड्रिल मशीन की आवाजें आई जैसे कि पूरा घर पूरी तरह से मरम्मत किया जा रहा था और तो और तीन चार कमरों वाले घर के हर कमरे में अलग-अलग रंगों से पुताई भी हुई। कुछ दिनों के बाद इस सब शोर से अभ्यस्त होने के बाद अचानक से सन्नाटा छा गया। तीन-चार दिन के बाद उस घर से टेलीविजन चलने और गानों की आवाज आने लगी। कुछ दिन के बाद पता चला इसमें एक बड़े साहब सपरिवार रहने आए हैं।

दूसरे दिन सुबह 2_3 लड़कियां आती सफाई आदि करके चली जाती। दोपहर को एक दो लोग आते चले जाते शाम को 6- 7 बजे भी दो लड़कियों को जाते हुए देखा। सुबह एक ओमनी गाडी आती उसमें से एक व्यक्ति अखबारों की गड्डी ले करके उनके घर में जा कर के दे देता। परंतु सबसे ज्यादा वफादार व्यक्ति तो उनका गाड़ीवान यानि कि ड्राइवर था। जो कि सुबह 7:30 बजे हाजिर हो जाता छोटी लड़की और उसकी मां को स्कूल छोड़ने जाता। दोपहर में भी खड़ा हुआ दिखाई देता। शाम को 7:00 बजे 8:00 बजे तक गाड़ी दिखती। अचानक इस बात पर ध्यान गया कि एक tata sumo टाटा सूमो तो 24 घंटा खड़ी रहती है। तो मतलब साहब जी के पास 24 घंटे गाड़ी या गाड़ीवान सभी रहते। घर में लोगों का आना जाना लगा ही रहता। सुबह दोपहर शाम तो दो-तीन लड़कियां कभी-कभी कुछ लड़के घर में कुछ काम करके चले जाते हैं।

हमको इस घर में रहते हुए लगभग 4 साल से ज्यादा हो गए हैं। इन 4 सालों में पास के इंजीनियर के ऑफिस में अनगिनत बार किसी ना किसी बात को लेकर उनके रजिस्टर में शिकायत दर्ज करानी पड़ती है। कभी कोई नल चूने लगा कभी नल में पानी नहीं आ रहा है कभी पंखे का स्विच खराब हो गया कभी पंखा जल गया कभी स्विच में से आग निकलने लगती। किचन के एग्जॉस्ट फैन में से धुआं उठने लगा तो वे लोग आए और लेकर गए। आज ढाई साल से ज्यादा समय हो गया है आज तक पलट के पंखा नहीं आया। अक्सर बिजली विभाग के उस ऑफिस में बोलकर आते हैं कि भाई एग्जॉस्ट फैन किचन का नहीं आया। कोई ज्यादा सहूलियत भरा जवाब तो मिलता नहीं लेकिन अब शिकायत करना एक प्रक्रिया सी बन गई है या यूं कहें कि हमारे स्वभाव में शामिल हो चुका है। घर के दरवाजों में दीमक लगा हुआ है। नित प्रतिदिन कई कई ग्राम लकड़ी का बुरादा इकट्ठा करना पड़ता है। सफाई करनी पड़ती है। खिड़कियों में जो लोहे के तारों वाली जालियां लगी हैं उनसे जंक गिरने लगी है। छेद बन गए हैं। कई बार बोला। रजिस्टर में शिकायत दर्ज कराई। अब उस दिन का इंतजार कर रहे हैं कि कब इंजीनियर साहब की मेहरबानी हो जाए और हमारे घर में मरम्मत शुरु हो जाए।
जिस दिन से इस घर में आए हैं बारिश में छत के एक हिस्से से लगातार पानी चूता है। अक्सर हम लोग डिब्बा डिब्बे लगाकर के पानी इकट्ठा करके और बहाते रहते हैं। बाहर की बालकनी में तो पानी की धारा सी बहती है उस में कोई सामान ही नहीं रख पाते हैं। तो घर का एक तरफ का हिस्सा बारिश में अन उपयोगी हो जाता है। और बारिश भी लगभग 8 महीना से ज्यादा रहती हैं यहां पर। कई बार कह चुके हैं इंजीनियर से। इंजीनियर एक बार आया देखकर चला गया। एक दो बार तो उसने कहा आप हमारे भी बड़े साहब को एक दरखास्त दे दीजिए। अप्लीकेशन मैंने दो बार दी परंतु हमारे पास उसकी कोई कॉपी नहीं है जिससे कि हम साबित कर सके कि हमने इंजीनियर के बड़े इंजीनियर को दी है।
परंतु इस को क्या कहेंगे जो व्यक्ति अभी 4 दिन पहले घर में आया उसके आने के पहले ही घर की पूरी सफाई हो गई दरवाजे तुरंत बदल गए खिड़कियां बदल गई पुताई हो गई नल सब ठीक हो गए पंखा उनका सब लग गया इसको क्या कहा जाए??
तकदीर भाग्य?? वह व्यक्ति क्या है? कैसा है? जिसके लिए यह इंजीनियरिंग विभाग सदैव तत्पर रहता है और हम अक्सर गिड़गिड़ाया करते हैं। गिरते गिर गिर कर उसके पास जाते है। तब भी इंजीनियर के कान पर जूं नहीं रेंगती। हमारे मन में यह सब देख कर क्या भाव आते हैं यह केवल भगवान ही जानता है।
कुछ दिन हुए ही थे कि अचानक बाहर शोर होने लगा। मारपीट की आवाज आने लगीं। रोने पीटने की आवाजें भी आ रही थीं। शाम को टेलीविजन पर न्यूज़ देखी तब मामला समझ में आया।
दूर प्रदेश से एक स्त्री व उसके रिश्तेदार अचानक इन बड़े साहब के घर पर धावा बोल देते हैं और घर में घर की मालकिन से लड़ाई होती है। मारपीट होने लगती है। वह जो बाहर से स्त्री आई थी वह कह रही थी कि यह दूसरी स्त्री कहां से आ गई है। पहली शादीशुदा तो हम हैं। दूसरी पत्नी रखी है बच्चा भी कर लिया है।
पुलिस आई छानबीन हुई शिकायतों का दौर चला और इन बड़े साहब का पलटवार हुआ। टेलीविजन पर यह दिखा जैसे कि वह स्त्री और उसके रिश्तेदार इस घर में घुसकर मारपीट करने तथा छेड़छाड़ करने के अपराधी घोषित होगए।
फिर धीरे धीरे इस घर में भी हलचल गायब हुई। स्त्री गायब हो गई बच्चा गायब हो गया। कुछ दिन तो ऐसा लगा इस घर में कोई रहता ही नहीं है।
कोई आता भी होगा तो गुपचुप तरीके से चले जाते पता ही नहीं चलता कि परिवार कहां रहता है।
महीना भर के बाद जब मामला ठंडा हुआ तो फिर एक बार घर रोशन हो गया। वैसा ही फिर शुरु हो गया। सवेरे गाड़ी आती, अखबार आता, नौकर आते जाते रहते, जीना की सफाई होती, उनका सबसे ज्यादा वफादार ड्राइवर हमेशा तैनात रहता। 24 घंटा tata sumo दरवाजे पर खडी रहती। अक्सर आते-जाते रात में कहीं जाते दिन में कहीं जाते।
यह है हमारे मोहल्ले का हाल। वह अफसर एक प्रशासनिक सेवा के अधिकारी हैं। उनके सामने हम लोगों की क्या हैसियत है।

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Mothers united at birth

Mothers United at birth. 
Birth is an even that Mothers only can understand. 
Just heard a soft crying sound, immediately my mind knew it’s a cry of a new born. Opened window to try to find where this baby is crying.
Saw at the balcony of house in front of my building a woman was standing holding a baby. The lady was lady of house. For a year now this family has shifted to our colony. The couple had a son aged approximately 5 years. The man often visited this house for two days in a week. Sometimes in holidays also. 
In past there had been few fights, oral exchange of heated words. War of words. Through those war of words I came to know that lady of house is second or third wife of that person. 
One day some one asked where Mr Reddy lives? I said I don’t know. Few days Later that person was there in that house where this lady of house lived. That time I got to understand that he is Mr Reddy and she was his wife and this person who had asked me about Mr Reddy is a known to person of Mr Reddy. Still I am presuming. 
One day another woman was sitting on that balcony and she was talking on mobile phone loudly. She looked somewhat elder to that lady of house. Little thinner than her, Nose ring ear rings and wearing salwar Kurta. 
After few days fight took larger proportion and grew into divisions in already settled colony. Few families were siding with this newly arrived family and few sided with other family. Signature campaign started. Both parties reached police station and complained to administration. 

On earlier Eid Mubarak gift had arrived for us from that house. But this fight ruined whole of atmosphere. Customary gifts of eatery and sweets stopped. Now Muslim brotherhood came into being. Both these Muslim families and few other secular families sided on one side few supported that lady who fought single handedly with that Muslim family. 
We who were neutral and had balanced view suffered the most. Since both parties thought of me as culprit. I mean both parties tried to maintain a distance from me.
I was safe I thought? My immediate neighbors told that police investigation was there.

For few days two or three ladies were continuously visiting this house, must be staying there as most of the times of day they are visible in that balcony. 
Feature wise they looked like sisters. One man who participated in fight had told that this man of house is his brother in law, as his wife is sister of lady of house. His wife was there too in this three.

As more light dawned we came to know that This baby was born to the son of that man of house i.e Mr Reddy from his earlier wife. I presume that the lady with nose ring which often visits this house must be first wife and she might be the mother of this young man who just became father.  

I had seen an old aged couple also visiting this house. Lady must be mother of lady of house. They stay for few days and leave. Dress of old lady also indicated that she hailed from Mopla (moplah) Muslim family. She was most gracious lady. 

The new born baby and his uncle have age difference of 7 years. Uncle of new born is son of grandfather of new born from second wife. 
Thus the mother of new born, two grandmother’s, and three aunt grandmother were there to buck up the baby and the mother. All these women are core of strength for this new mother. At this event of first birth to her she needs all experience and comforting, and these ladies are providing all that necessary for a new mother.
His father, his young boy uncle, his grandfather all were also there. 
That’s how family grows and binds together into a family bond.

Thursday, October 05, 2017

एही ठैंया झुलनी हेरानी हो रामा EHI THAIYAN JHULNI HAIRANI HO RAMA

While going through a Hindi Text book prescribed in Class 10 of CBSE board, I found an interesting story written by Shri Shivprasad Mishra nicknamed Rudra. This story was taken from his creation on Ganga. The story titled in the class 10th book as EHI THAIYAN JHULNI HAIRANI HO RAMA

 searching on google  i found one link of a song. In this song the word JHULNI is replaced by MOTIA. Jhulni is the nose ring or ear ring or forehead ornament ("benda" or matha tika) in the common dialect. In this video of film song Respected Hema Malini ji performed the dance, but with totally different bhaav (mood /emotion) from that story. In the story emotion was of PAIN in the heart of Singer, who secretly in her heart felt kindness towards the boy-TUNNU, who had been killed during riot and it was said that British Police/force killed him including all those who raised voice against the atrocities of the British rulers. 

The objective of that time was to discard anything of foreign origin even cloths etc, everything even the ruler?

This lad -TUNNU was also in the procession. He loved the lady singer Dulari Bai and had gifted her a KHADI Saree. This lady singer scolded the boy since being a young boy & belonging to a noble family( !!) he should become a good boy/Man and do not run after a "singer" Nautch girl- that will bring ill fame on him and his family.
See how great was that lady. She threw his gift(saree). Tears rolled out in eyes of that young lad Tunnu, great hurt he felt,. Tears dropped on saree. The boy went away in pain. She immediately picked up that gift, took it into her room, closed the doors and started weeping. She kept on kissing the saree (and those tears), It was a gift that No one else had brought for her.
All gifts brought to her earlier had ulterior motives, She never wanted those gifts. Deep in her heart she felt that this gift of Khadi Saree is the most precious she ever got? It was due to pure love for her that Tunnu brought this gift.
She had been continuously scolding and insulting this boy but this boy always takes out time to come at her door just to see her and tried to talk to her. He could never talked to her in a frank manner.

एही ठैंया झुलनी हेरानी हो रामा की नायिका बनारसी गौनहारिन दुलारी बाई बटलोही में चुरती हुई दाल को क्रोध में ठोकर मारकर गिरा देती है। उसकी ऐसी तल्खी, तेवर और साफगोई से प्रभावित होकर सोलह वर्षीय टुन्नू उससे प्रेम करने लगता है।  दुलारी को यह प्रेम अनैतिक लगता है क्योंकि दुलारी और टुन्नू के बीच उम्र का बहुत बडा फासला है, जिसे नैतिक और सामाजिक स्वीकृति नहीं मिल सकती है। उसी टुन्नू की भेंट की हुई खद्दर की साडी से सरेआम दुलारी फांसी लगाकर मर जाती है। इस प्रेम में ढेर सारे विमर्श हैं, सवाल हैं, जो आधुनिक साहित्य में अब जाकर आए हैं। बहती गंगा है।

She was invited (dragged and pressurised by police goons) to perform in mehfil by those very police who knew that her  lover boy has been killed. She had no option and thus performed.
She sang this song एही ठैंया झुलनी हेरानी हो रामा.. indicating that she lost her honour or pride at this very place? what she can do?
and those very people, in front of whom she is singing are responsible for murder of her true LOVE.  How cruel those people were. 

What hurt me is the attitude towards a singer, dancer. Often we sing in praise of our rich cultural Heritage? but bitter truth is that still in New India (as a society) we don't give dignity or respect to those singer//dancer ladies as an individual, who by some compulsion had to choose this profession. 

I dont know? but it is said that this story was written inspired by the famous Singer Rassolan Bai, who is hailed as one of the top most singer from Banares, Varanasi. She was a great artist of Hindustani Classical music. She sang on All India Radio. It is also said that she died in very bad financial condition.
She had discarded Kotha(system), immediately during the independence she came out and started performing in open public functions. Earlier most of the tawaif were singing inside the Kotha or in invited closed mehfills of few rich patrons or in the courts of Raja Nawabs etc. I dont know how far it is true. But whatever happened, i have great respect for her. If you listen to her songs now available in youtube etc one can know how great singer she was.
Rasoolan and Batoolan were sisters, Ustad Bismillah Khan the Shehnai master had also said in some talks that as a child he was very much attarcted towards Hindustani Singing while listening to these sisters, he used to go for Riyaz(practice) through a lane in which these sister lived in Banares.

this song Thumri sung by Vidushi Girja Devi ji


same song Yehi thaiyan  sung by great Thumri Singer of Poorvi Ang Smt Rasoolan Bai ji


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Festival of Tribal Dance

This i had written after watching Festival of Tribal Dance, conceived by most renowned Theatre personality Ratan Thiyam. I had been his admirer since many years. At kanpur i used to get news about him through Doordarshan or News Papers. When i was in Delhi then he had shifted in Manipur. But when i heard the news that Festival is going to happen in Port Blair immediately i rushed to get a life time opportunity to see him live. Luckily i got seat just behind him. This concept of festival may be old but i got to know very recently. A good concept to combine the Song Dance and Theatre all together at one platform for Tribal communities to come and perform. All this happened under ageis of NSD National School of Drama.  In sidelines of this performances a workshop or seminar kind of thing was also there. Where various research workers and Tribal groups also interacted and presented their analysis etc. I was none of them but being an ardent lover of Arts- Dance i was attracted to this.

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Women are contributer to Agriculture but not much is said

There are certain works in fields traditionally done by women
Women work side by side with men ofhouseholds
women of household always work along with men
women of household do work continuously in fields
Women folk do help a lot in Agirculture related works as member of household
As per census 2011
Percentage of Male cultivators to total workers is 24.9. [Rural- 35.2
& Urban-2.7]. Percentage of Female cultivators to total workers is 24
[Rural-28.8 & Urban-3.1].

other wise the work participation ratio of women remains lower than
males. But above we find that female cultivators are just at equal
percentage approx. but still in rural areas the cultivator percentage
of women is recorded lower than males.
WPR female at all India level was 25.5% [rural – 30% and Urban-15.4%]
work participation of Males in 53.3% [Rural- 53% and Urban – 53.8%]