It is now almost more than 40 years that I am listening this song in the most emotional voice of none other than our Bharat Ratna Swar Samragyi Lata Mangeskar ji. Hardly we knew that it was a song for a film and anyway connected to the Bombay Film Industry. It was most creative outpour of Kavi Pradeep, who penned down these words.
The song had been synonymous with the celebration of Independence day. Later it was after 1971 when my personal emotions were also attached to it. My uncle P N Mishra did not return home. Martyred while fighting at Pakistan Border somewhere in Jammu Kashmir. Whole of my family got disturbed. My father who was himself in Indian Navy wept that day. My Saheed Uncle was many years younger to my father and loved my father very much. My father also loved him very much. I have a hand written letter of my uncle he sent to my father when he was serving in Army. My father was in INS VIKRANT, and was in the team of sailors who were sent to UK to sail back the INS Vikrant to India in 1961. We are used to hearing all experiences my father and his friends faced during his long service in Indian Navy.
below is the song which whole nation India loves very much. It is synonymous to national anthem, i mean the feeling you get on listening this song is totally out of world. The magic it created. The words-lyrics of Kavi Pradeep were superb. He had the tune also in his mind while writing those words.
i don't know how to decrease size of this frame ??? This song remains one of the most famous all over these years. I think Swar samragyi स्वर सम्राज्ञी लाता मंगेश्कर our Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar ji must be feeling proud while singing this song.
ALl over these years popularity of this song will never decrease. That is called as Desh Bhakti देश भक्ति।
With this song all associated persons have become immortal. सदैव याद करे जाएँगे। गाने के रचयिता तथा सभी लोग जो किसी भी तरह से इस गाने के साथ जुड़े थे अमर होगए हैं।
Another song on which we used to dance in school on Independence day and Republic day. it was also a very popular song. यह देश है वीर जवानों का इस देश का यारों क्या कहना
Thus Contribution of Indian Cinema in the freedom struggle is immense and unforgettable. That time people associated with Hindi Cinema were having high capability, highly creative. I can’t list them all. God pardons me for this. Since the technology was not there. no one taught them, all of them have imagined/ visioned on their own and created a media which has become a HISTORY.
It is only after watching our Doordarshan I came to know about those great personalities. To name few DadaSaheb Phalke, V. ShantaRam, Sohrab Modi, Kedar Sharma, Mehboob, SS Vasan, Iyer, Shanta, Prithviraj Kapoor, Bimal Roy, Satyajit Ray, Gemini pictures, movietone, Himanshu rai, Devika Rani, K Asif, Naushad, RK, Manoj Kumar, Bengal, and Many more. A detailed research has to be done on this aspect of Indian Cinema.
When we say Cinema then we imagine not only the producer directors but many of Actors, writer, lyricist, music composer, director, Singers, cameramen, set designers and many more also comes to mind. I left out Dancers.
There was no
cinema in India. No one could have imagined that anything like this can ever
exists or can be created. But lately thank to the Gramophone companies who came
to India and collected huge profits? But this profit was mainly due to the so
called Dancing girls, women who sang. I don’t want to write that word. I hate
that word. But they write it as Courtesan? Later “Bai” word was also added. Tawaif
was commonly used before that period. In English often we find the word as “Nautch
girl”. British later became patron of this art. In absence of Films Television,
Radio etc only mode of entertainment was these singing-dancing girls. I can
write that they were similar as actors and heroines of films do today? They
earn money by dancing/acting in films. Same thing those dancing and singing
girls were doing- earning their livelihood. There are number of cases where the
film & TV actors were found to be involved several cases of illegal activities,
but then we do not call all actors by bad name. But why we call all those
dancing & singing girls of yesteryears. There were also many categories of
workers in that time also. Thus painting all of them with same brush is not
good. Later as we got Independence, thanx
to the ladies like Rukmini Devi Arundale, Sunaina Devi ji. I somewhere read that Sunaina ji added
word “Devi” as suffix to the names of singing artists. Thus they were later come
to be known as Devi not Jaan or Bai?
Gramophone came
into being in 1902 or 1904 or 1905.
India's first disc had Gauhar Jaan, singing a khayal in Raag Jogiya, recorded on 2 November 1902, by Fred Gaisberg, an assistant to Emile Berliner, the father of Gramophone record, who left America to become the first recording engineer with the Gramophone Company, London. The recording was done in a makeshift recording studio in two large rooms of a hotel in Kolkata, and at the end of the trial recording Gauhar Jaan announced – "My name is Gauhar Jaan". Gauhar Jaan agreed to do the recording session for a princely sum of 3,000 rupees. By 1903, her records started appearing in Indian markets and were in great demand. (this is what- Wiki says)

Most of the classical singers of that time
hesitated to record their voice on this disk. I have read that there were
rumours that if you record on disk then it will snatch your voice? Therefore few
singing Bai or Jaan took initiative and recorded their voice. Most of the
famous were Gauhar Jaan and Malka jaan(may be Janki Bai). Moreover, these
ladies were most creative persons. That time LP records recorded the songs for
only 3 minutes or so. But songs of Hindustani Music were having a style of
singing consist of Alap, swar-vistar, sargam etc. But they improvised and
composed their songs (bandish) into 3 minutes songs. It was a great invention
by those ladies. No one writes about their contribution. there was another problem, at initial stages there was a big phone in which singers have to sing loudly so that machine can record. it must be giving lot of strain on the throats of singers.

These gramophones have a very important place in Indian History. As movies came late in early 30 or 40s, but these LP records or DISC were available in market since 1902. Music was confined to the walls of courts of Nawabs and Kings/rajah. There common man could not go and get entertainment. thus when these discs came into the market, thanx to these great singers Music came to the homes. That is a big achievement. Now everyone can listen to these music. Our Bharat Ratna MS and Smt GanguBai Hangal has always listened to the Radio and these LP records. In those times music was made popular only by these records. Later all types of music, Hindustani Carnatic, Bahajan, Thumri etc all were available in these discs. Then after few years classical musician also wanted to become famous and from there started recording for these disc.
India's first disc had Gauhar Jaan, singing a khayal in Raag Jogiya, recorded on 2 November 1902, by Fred Gaisberg, an assistant to Emile Berliner, the father of Gramophone record, who left America to become the first recording engineer with the Gramophone Company, London. The recording was done in a makeshift recording studio in two large rooms of a hotel in Kolkata, and at the end of the trial recording Gauhar Jaan announced – "My name is Gauhar Jaan". Gauhar Jaan agreed to do the recording session for a princely sum of 3,000 rupees. By 1903, her records started appearing in Indian markets and were in great demand. (this is what- Wiki says)

Theatre became
another form of entertainment. Natak Company, Nautanki, Jaatra, Yakshgana,
Bhagwatkatha were all there. It was very natural for most of dancing and singing
ladies of that time join these avenues available to them. As in those times
dancing, singing, acting was not considered as respected jobs? But all
respected men used to keep ladies for their entertainment. Men are men. Thus it
also became status symbol to patronize dancing or singing girls. They sired
many children from these ladies but they did not give their names these own children.
Whole generation of humans was born like this. It was greatness of those ladies
that they lived and brought up their children without telling the real names of
their fathers. Luckily there was no DNA test? Otherwise kings, nawabs, businessmen
would have to give/distribute their properties among these illegitimate
children. Those ladies were great. Pran jai par vachan na jai. But the society
norms were also very repressive and did not permit these ladies to take names
and no one that time believed these ladies. They did not have any voice. I mean
there was no social sanction to such things. We have seen so many examples in
present times also. We have great singers of our times, they were from these
families and no mention is given to their fathers though we know their mothers.
Fathers were Diwan, Advocates, Chetti (Seth- business), Nawabs, Landlords etc.
Some communities were forced to accept that they are and they belong to such
category or caste and their status is very low. The word “Angwastram” was most
amazing I read about. Ladies from these communities were just like “Ang Vastram”
(body cloths) to men of higher caste or status. Such types of (ku-riti ) bad practices
were prevalent.
Several film
makers came to India obviously due to the British connection. Few English films
were shown here and British people enjoyed all those movies. Along with these British
people their collaborators of Indian breed who got educated in English also
imitated all such mannerism of British, Club going, club dancing, Pub drinking
and then how movies can be left out?
We all know Dada
Saheb Phalke as the “Janak” of Indian Cinema. Previously, as was the trend in
Theatre (Parsi was famous) mythological themes were chosen for films also, Ram
Rajya, Harishchadra, Sita haran, Bhakt Prahlad, shakuntala etc
In 1935 film
called Mill worker- or Majdoor fey etnwj was made. It
was made to show/depict the conditions of mill workers, their problems,
Strikes, the right of mill workers and I think to make mill workers aware about
their legal rights film was made? The censor board of that time banned it. The film was based on social issues. Later it
was made with many cuts as Gareeb Parwar xjhc ijoj. The actual meaning was lost.
Shri Kedar
Sharma was famous film maker that time.
Government of
India Act was enacted in the British Parliament in 1935.
Later a film “teen
bati char rahen” rhu cRrh pkj jkgsa was
made. Most unusual storyline was chosen by our most creative film makers. In the
film the social issue of Integration was taken up. A tawaif house was taken. Men
of all walks of life and all regions, religions visit her house. Without any
discrimination she has to entertain all such men. Similarly it was tried to
show that the Government has to act without any discrimination between the
regions, religions etc. The government should work only for betterment of its
people. The lady changes her attire and mannerism according to the client. Thus
at one point of time she has to become a muslim lady and after that she has to
become a Hindu lady to entertain a hindu man (he can be a priest or judge or a
thief or policeman or a leader/politician). Shanta howlekar acted in it.
In 1939 my favourite
Respected Sohrab Modi ji made film PUKAR. He also acted in it as Sardar Sangram
Singh. Film had story of Mughal emperor Jahangir and Noorjahan. There was scene
showing few kids playing in a playground that looks like on the bank of a
river. Suddenly an arrow came flying from the walls of the fort and struck a
boy. There was hue and cry. The lady (may be the mother of boy) took her child
to the gate of Fort. There was a gate and archway and hanging there was a big
bell, called as the bell of justice. As the Mughal King Akbar was famous for
his justice, similarly there was this bell, which anyone who wants justice can
ring it. King himself comes and ask that person about his problem and pronounce
justice. Thus this lady seeks justice and says that culprit is Malika
Noorjahan. Sohrab Modi ji had portrayed that India and Indian seek justice and
British being RULER must deliver justice, even if the culprits are the British??
Thus in that
time these great people made films using the Historical backdrops to convey the
social issues. Later great Mehoob made picture called Gramin and years after in
1957 this subject was made into the Mother India, which remains the most famous
Oscar nominated film.
In 1941 already
there was huge discontent all over India among people towards the British rule.
Most respected V ShantaRam ji made film Padosi iMkslh later this
was made in Marathi language as Shejari.
this period there was unrest among our society. Some elements were trying to
disturb social fabric of Indian society on basis of religious basis. V
ShantaRam ji chose muslim actors to play the role of Hindu characters and similarly
Muslim actors played the roles of Hindu characters in the film. In the film when
a company man wants to buy the land from villagers, that too on some
conditions, in a life saving situation, then suddenly idea came that if someone
ask you to sell your mother what you will do? since land is like our mother. Village
Elders says “we will not sell our mother”. Same thought is shared by the Muslim
padosi. But most important I think both are the son of same mother that is our
India? Thus muslim and Hindu residents of village came together and rejected to
sell their mother land. This film was made to convey that we are one be a
muslim and hindu or sikh etc. we should remain united and do not fall prey to
the games of British elements.
Later 1940
Prabhat company of V ShantaRam launched a film called Sant Gyaneshwar. It was
released in USA. Film shows the story of Sant Gyaneshwar as the name suggests, but
it was also shown through the film that several things should be debated as
time is changing so the religious thinking should also change. Film is based on
theme of religious renaissance. Common man was suffering due to the
inefficiency of Government machinery. A film “Municipality” was made. Film
depicts all elements of working culture of govt offices- Municipality.
By this
time there was differences in the congress party leadership.
In 1941
most respected Sohrab Modi ji made film SIKANDAR. He tried to show that how an
invader-Ruler must respect their colony and show humanity. The dialogues
between the Alaxander- Sikandar played by Prithvi Raj Kapoor and the Indian
king Pauras- the Puru-King of border state. Prithvi Raj Kapoor was looking
exactly similar to what Sashi Kapoor now looked. Later we came to know that
Sohrab ji was very strict as a director. His voice I found very powerful on
screen. May be it was due to the effect of Theatre experience. In theatre voice
modulation are very important. Idea was that British power-ruler should always
give respect to Indians, at-least as a human.
Quit India
became nationwide slogan in 1942. On 9-8-1942 quit India movement was launched.
In film
Kismet most respected Kavi Pradeep wrote a song “Door Hato ey duniya walon Hindustan
hamara hai” nwj gVks ,
nqfu;kokyksa fgUnqLrku gekjk gS also py
py js ukStoku giving
voice to millions of people. Immediately the song became hit fuelling the flare
of freedom movement.
In 1948 came Saheed the song was oru
dh jkg esa oru ds ukStoku “kghn gksa iqdkjrs gSa , tehu vkleku ukStoku “kghn
In 1942 First film “Ekta” in
Sindhi was made.
fnu dk lqyrku was made in 1946. Jayraj played the role. 1944
cripps commission came but failed in its objective. The song was made on this
rhu enkjh ,lk tknw iwdk pkSjkgs ij ipaj
dj nh ....
Santoshi ji made a film hum sab
ek hai? Durga Khote was there. Nana bhai Bhatt made chalis karod?
Then there was film Azadi ki rah
par featuring Prithvi Raj Kapoor Durga Khote and Jayaraj. It was based on 40
years of Congress history.
In 1947 there was a film named
Apraadhi. Pran played a role of freedom fighter. I think his name in film was
Mohan. Film was based on the doubt between a husband and wife.
Most famous we know the song by
Kavi Pradeep was “ , esjs oru ds yksxks tjk vkW[ksa esa
Hkj yks ikuh tks “kghn gq, gS mudh tjk ;kn djks dqckZuh Swar Samrgyi Lata
Mangeskar ji sang this song. I think no one else was made to sing this song.
Immortal lyrics immortal writer immortal voice. This combination will always
remain on earth forever.
<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WiYscnj_L7A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Can I just say what a comfort to uncover somebody who actually understands what they are talking about
on the web. You definitely understand how to bring a problem to light and
make it important. More people need to look at this and understand
this side of your story. I can't believe you are not more popular given that you certainly have the gift.
thnx. but why anonymous?
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