Monday, November 27, 2017

Mother is a #mother always

Mother is a word of global truth. No one on this earth can deny. We respect Mother even more than God. A mother was boiling milk for her infant. The almighty appeared before her. As she was conversing and customary welcoming Gods, suddenly milk started boiling and flowing out of pan. Leaving everything mother rushed toward the stove to stop milk from flowing out of pan. That time God asked the mother whom you prefer? baby or milk? as God saw that she left everything even God and the baby but she rushed to save milk. She said what will i feed if milk flows out of pan? I mean mother didn't think anything else but she only thought about hunger of her baby. 
I think there is no need to elaborate about greatness of Mothers. Every child knows the value of mother and sacrifice she made to bring us up. 
Even it is said  Janani Janma-bhoomi-scha Swargadapi Gariyasi
jananī janmabhūmiśca svargādapi garīyasī in Sanskrit and found reference in Ramayana means
Mother and Motherland are greater than heavens
अपि स्वर्णमयी लङ्का न मे लक्ष्मण रोचते जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी
"Lakshmana, even this golden Lanka does not appeal to me, mother and motherland are greater than heaven." Shri Rama uttered while addressing his younger brother Lakshmana after their victory over Ravana
I found one song starring great NTR. these three alphabets are enough, no need to elaborate who he is? 

But our mother always do hard work just for her family without thinking about her own sufferings even for a minute.
She has to bring drinking water from well that required lot of physical strength, hard work. Her hands might have got bruises. But without thinking that she did it and brought water for everyone in house. For drinking, washing utensils, washing vegetables etc, even for bathing!! So never ever ridicule mothers.

Where water is not available in home she goes out to nearest source of water such as pond, river, lake etc to wash utensils, wash our cloths, and even to take bath? A great hard work she does.

In desert and some areas drought prone areas? she has to walk miles to bring water for her family members. In some areas Men had married two or three women just to meet the demand of water. Since to bring water women has to walk miles so major part of day time goes into fetching water, thus to have some one in the house to look after the work of house people marry two or three women. So at any time one or two women remain in house.

In Desert areas water is so scarce even not a drop water is to be wasted? Many times utensils are to be washed by sand at first. But in hot temperature mother washes utensil

Imagine when electricity was not available  in our homes, how our mothers used to cook food for family? This Advertisement is for lanterns/stoves etc but how many mothers were able to procure such gadgets? Even a house had but it was not kept in kitchen for benefit of mother? So she had to use other means for light.

Mother is always mother wherever you go on this earth. 

  Mothers had to do lot many things that we don't imagine? Not far from present times, mother has to churn the curd so as to make Butter and Buttermilk. Butter for boys and men (there was times when it used to be, but now time has changed) and butter milk to cook few dishes or add on to the food. लस्सी Lassi  छॉछ  chach. Moreover onus of responsibility to save or conserve our traditional dishes cuisines as per the regions is also rests on shoulders of our mothers. If they do not do this then within no time our traditional dishes will vanish and McDonald etc store will take over.
It is only mother that has saved our traditions, Traditional cuisines from generations to generations, from Mother to Daughters, from mother-in-laws to daughter-in-laws. Passed on orally very few instances are where they have written down their recipes. Also there are kitchens we will find most decorated in few parts of India. Mostly in rural parts, since urban areas have compact spaces and thus they dont have choice. In rural areas we have this as a duty that also rests with the mothers, daughters of house to decorate our kitchens. Kutch Rajasthan and such areas still have this traditions.

Whatever the season, whatever the material of kitchen our mothers have always performed their duties with utmost responsibility.

Do you remember the story Idgah written by most respected writer Prem Chand ji often called as Munshi Prem Chand.

Asi-Te-Karave Yied (2008) is a Kashmiri adaption of the story by Shehjar Children’s Theatre Group, 

Hamid a small boy, forced by circumstances to live with her grandmother. He goes to the fair that is held on the occasion of Eid. He had some money with him that his poor grandmother gave him out of her savings. That coin he could have spent on anything given that he is a small child. He could have eaten sweet, or a toy. As other boys bought toys few of mud/clay few machines.

But Hamid saved all the wealth he had- that coin in his hand. At last he bought what we call as chimta, in English i think it is called a TONG? because he had seen how his grandmother gets her fingers burn while tossing roti on the tawa, or in chulha (stove? what is word in English for chulha???))
While reading it i always weep before finishing this story. It is so heart touching story written by the Magician of words Shri Prem Chand ji. He had written in Hindustani language. 

In dim lights also she cooks, at the cost of health of her eyes?

After all cooking she has to wash all that is left by her family members. Do we think about this after we take or finish our meals at home? It is only mother that washes all such utensils without even thinking anything or making faces on seeing looking at his mess. 


Anonymous said...

Every weekend i used to visit this web site, as i want enjoyment,
as this this website conations actually good funny stuff

Katyayan Kanyakubj Gaurang Brahmavarti Mishra said...

why Anonymous?
comment of content also requested and invited.

Anonymous said...

I feel. It is too long but its always good to try

Arti Singh said...

#मां को परिभाषित करने वाले सुंदर लेख के लिए साधुवाद 👏
मां' और मां की 'ममता' अपरिभाषित है। जिसको शब्दों में संजोना यूं तो आसान नहीं, पर इस प्रेम-भंडारी देवी के स्नेह, ममता और अपने बच्चों के प्रति समर्पण का बखान जरूर किया जा सकता है। 9 महीने तक 'गर्भ' में आश्रय देने वाली है 'मां'। अपने तन से, मेरा तन बनने तक, पोषित करने वाली है मां।