Friday, July 15, 2005

self musing Dance Education etc

There was one Anna Pavlova the great Prima dona of Russian Ballet.

In the book written on her it was mentioned that there was a great academy of ballet in Moscow, Russia, In that academy students were taught many subjects same is followed in London- the Royal Ballet Academy. However in present Indian system it is lost. But we did have the system earlier in India where the expert dancers were master of Arts and taught many trades, the art of makeup, art of talking, art of manners, some MAGIC, art of body-building, art of cooking, art of decoration, The Subject like Languages, scriptures, mythology, about culture and people, psychology, Economics, poetry, for that literature and most important was DANCE and MUSIC.
Then only they could survive in the trade. And the tradition continued for centuries and handed over to the artists of present times in India.  Shri Vidya Niwas Mishra said once that Oral tradition was followed and in the process many things (written things) were lost, due to improper upkeep of records.
We have also read episode of burning of our Library (and treasure) by the INVADERS, which are known as Conquerors or expeditors or Warriors but they were BRUTAL INVADERS for INDIA. One of my friend from Middle East studying in Delhi always used to say "they came to teach culture and tradition to people in India". Means when they came here in INDIA all people here were JUNGLEE. ( I can not write the word TRIBAL since tribal word is plural and consist of many groups of people. MANY in India (a Free country) may be knowing what the list of tribal is. Tribal groups has its own culture and tradition etc.
Once the word "BARBARIC" tribes was used for these INVADERS, and this is correct for those who invaded INDIA.
So the system of education and literature was lost in India. Thanx to Some like RUKMINI DEVI ARUNDALE and KAMALA DEVI CHATOPADHYAY, the BHATKhANDE, PULASKAR who have made conscious efforts to revive and conserve these treasures. The Kalashetra is the only institution of that time which can be credited for preserving the Bharatnatyam and bringing some prestige to the art with reforms. There were also efforts to establish Bhatkhande schools at many places. The GURU RABINDRA NATH TAGORE is the sole example who has also established the teaching campus or the gurukul. the vishwa Bharti.
After independence there were many efforts in all parts of country to start some schools. BUT Again being the followers of the DURBAR politics many artists rushed to the NATIONAL CAPITAL and established their schools.
Kathak Kendra was established. Sangeet Natak Akademi, Lalit Kala Akademi, Sahitya Kala Parishad were all established with aim and objective of preserving and propagating our arts, we have got from our rich heritage.
One name shines is of Smt KAPILA VATSYAYAN ji. my charan sparsh to her. I am an admirer of her works. I don't know but i call her a Tapasvani or so to say a sage in modern days.
That IGNCA is formed with her efforts. I doubt whether i am correct or wrong, but once at IIT Kanpur i had read on a board that a Panel Discussion is organised with Smt Kapila Vatsyayan as a Panelist. It was almost more 25 years back. Since then I wanted to meet her and talk to her. Though i have listened her on TV many times.

Friday, May 20, 2005

dance of india

: "dances of india

i wish i could write like Smt Shanta ji.

i saw a clip of DD Bharati of the Khajuraho festival. This year I could not see and keep track of the festival due to the tsunami in andaman and nicobar islands. I saw the some jyoti srivastava performing ODISSI dance. The stage was nice. Temple in the backdrop illuminated by the lights looked magnificient. I always cherised the desire to perform at that stage. But alas for that one has to be a good class performer. And I am not that well. Also I have not got opportunity to continue my learning of dance under a GURU. Though I keep Smt Shanta as one of my GURUs but she dont take credit. Though I give full credit to her for kindeling interest in me for nice writing and to improve my style while performing. Means when I read her articles covering the performance of great dancers, through them i come to know some points to keep in my mind while performing lest to invite her critic, imagining that she is among the audiance. So i consider her as a factor for improvement. that means she has been My guru.

The dancer performed the abhinaya on the stage. but often i think that these stage do not provide opportunity to show our abhinaya prowess. It can be improved if Screens may be provied on the sides of stage at which maginified or close up could be shown to the audiance. But then it will distract the attention of the audiance from stage to the screen. Thats why the abhinaya aspects are better shown in t"

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Post #Tsunami #Earthquake challenges आत्मानुभूति

Tsunami of 26 December 2004 in Andaman Nicobar Islands brought many issues to fore, which can be kept in mind while making planning or working on development.

At least people are now becoming conscious of the necessity to know vulnerability of places where they Live and Importance of disaster management and relief & rehabilitation. 
People are becoming aware of coastal areas or coastal zones, MANGROVE, Bioshield etc.

The day will be immemorial in my life. On Sunday morning I heard some sound. It was the day when water supply comes. It was around 5.30 or 5.40 AM. I was filling water. after some time heard some sounds. I thought I have left water tap open. I went towards bathroom, there I saw water in bucket was shaking and spilling on floor. Whole house was shacking, i could hear some strange sound in my ears. I could not think anything else. Suddenly I guessed IS IT AN EARTHQUAKE? I screamed. rushed to the bedroom where Archana and Jaivardhan were sleeping. I almost dragged both of them and shouted get out of the house, there is an earthquake. She must have got a shock of life. We ran out of house in the state as we were without shoes/slippers. there was no time to think anything else but to save our life. question was to fight the earthquake and what GOD has written in our destiny. With me,  destiny of my wife and son too were added. As I have brought them to Andaman, Otherwise they could have gone out of these islands on some pretext. Or will it not be my fault to not to try to go out of these islands? Then GOD will question me, why u didn’t try to get out of these islands or at least send both of them out of these islands. I saw water in the drainage was shaking. Never seen such thing in my life. The electric pole was vigorously shaking. There were all neighbors, some were screaming and clinging to each other, trying to run to safety, trying to protect them from the shaking ground. I almost fainted with terror. After much time we tried to come in normal state of mind. terrible state we were in those moments.  both archana and me came inside of our house. I started collecting all essential things in a bag. Money, certificates, islander’s card, bottles of drinking water and some edibles etc. we kept these in two bags near the gate. Then I thought what GOD is thinking for me or HE just wanted to punish me. I prayed  “please forgive my wife archana and my son jaivardhan”- who is just reaching fourth year of his life. He was also looking shaken and he tried to be in my or his mother’s lap. He says he feels frightened. I tried to console him. However, weeping inside, I thought due to me only he is made to see this day in his life.

Then around 8 AM again tremors were felt. we ran outside. this exercise continued till today.  On Sunday night we could not sleep despite of the heaviness in head and eyes.
Neighbors all camped on road braving the cold air from sea nearby. Actually we were on the high hilly side that’s why we were safe. But we could see the seawater rushing towards the nallah from Carbyns cove beach area.  powerfull water surged inside nalah with lot of sound. We saw few people strangled in rushing water in middle of road. We were almost few kilometers away up on the hill. we could not do anything for those people. Everything was looking submerged. After sometime water began receding and we could see those people coming out. They were on top of the auto rickshaw. We heard few are missing. In evening at 6pm Earth began shaking again. That time I felt as my life has been squeezed out of me.
In night, whole family of Rizuanullah (assistant secretary law) was also there on roads. They live on the first floor two blocks away from our block. They have one son little elder to my jai and one daughter less than two years old. I spontaneously asked him why you are out in cold, if you want you can come in our house, where already four people are sheltered; they live on second floor in block next to our block. i felt cold outside was not suitable for children, so i asked them to come in our home. However they agreed and came in our house. I and Mr Rizuanullah occupied the balcony area (half open). And rest of the people stayed inside of house. I was feeling very cold outside but what to do, I could not think anything else. I could not sleep due to unknown fear.
In night around 1.30 again Mr rizuanullah screamed- run out -it is there again. We all ran outside. I rushed inside to drag archana and Jai.  we again came out on road.  After one hour, we decided to move inside the house again. Thus could rest till 5 in morning.
At around 6 or something a tremor again struck, all came out of houses. Now everybody was in fear.  Whole day was spent like that only. At 8.30 and 12.00 somebody screamed and within no time everybody came out. This day (Monday) the fear was there but in less quantity. There was no power supply since Sunday 6.0 AM. However power supply was restored only on Monday evening. I packed the food in Tiffin carrier and kept it at the door. Monday evening was colder than Sunday’s. However we tried to be calm. Around 12.45 in night there was a great shock again and then I lost all hope. We ran out of house. Since then we could not sleep fully. That’s why there is headache and archana is vomiting and feeling bad with headache. Jaivardhan is also feeling bad since he is not eating anything properly and he seemed to be afraid due to all this running and he is listening to what everybody talking about the earthquake and the news of the death toll in Nicobar area.
I pray to GOD to forgive us.

Today is fourth day after the earthquake hit Andamans. we are feeling bad. I felt something is going on in my head, some kind of jerks. Only thing I wish is to have rest and lie down. I feel the need to stretch out. But due to continuous fear we are unable to take rest. After every minute I rush out to see- if any thing happened or are there people around? what they are doing?. In absence of radio or local news it is very difficult to know what is happening. Few neighbors have their relatives in and around Port Blair. Sometimes girl upstairs runs out screaming that they have announced red alert and the quake can hit us at 4 pm or so. Then suddenly we become active. Body starts shaking especially my legs. But anyhow we rushed out and gather on road. While talking it descends that since that area is low lying area so there is risk of the tidal waves, hence all people are cautioned against it, and to be alert. Whole day was spent like that only. 
I took a bag and tried to put few cloths for my son and warm clothing to save us from cold airy night and few dry eatables etc and two bottles of drinking water. Despite of the fact that govt or A & N administration assures everybody that relief measures are being taken up and every thing is OK.  I am also a govt servant. So blaming govt alone is not good practice on my part. But being a govt servant what sort of services I can render when my home and family is in continuous danger. No water, no electricity and fear of the worst is always with me. In cold night, we had to spent time awake. I continuously think from where our food & clothing will come in case something happens. Within whatever less time available, we try to cook food and I pack in Tiffin box and rush out on road so as to save ourselves from the “ALMIGTHY”. I try to console everybody of my locality and provide whatever little help possible such as a bucket of drinking water, some edibles, and also shelter in night. lot of families sleep under open sky.
At least in my house few are saved from the cold. Two families living on second floor were afraid of sleeping in their houses so our house suitably accommodated them in night. However during night twice we ran outside of house, as one of them shouted that building is shaking. The whole episode was terrible. But still we tried to struggle on our own.

I think that these (Govt machinery, including me) are also human being and must be afraid of earthquake. Every Human must be. We should be alert. For these four days no body from the Govt. came to our colony to assure us. However we did not face grave injuries physically. But the need of a temporary shelter is felt due to the fear of after shocks rocking our houses. On Monday we could see many cracks in walls. That adds to our fear. everybody of our colony sleeps on roads; no body dares to stay inside. Thus it was a desire that if one big pandal or shamiana could have been erected in our colony in absence of any collective endeavor from residents of our colony. On Tuesday night two families erected small shamiana, I could not ask them to provide shelter to me, out of fear of rejection. However I tried to give all my advice as to how best they can erect it so that it remains erected all night. Jokingly I asked the boy as to how they will provide space under it whether on first come first serve basis? The lad was clever than me; he replied that on advance booking. That means it is for their and their neighbors only. (This boy is now working in govt)

I thought whether is it possible that we can be evacuated by the Indian Airlines or jet flights so that we can go to our homeland. I mean those who from the affected areas and have relatives on mainland and wishing to go mainland at this juncture. Like me, I am living in Andamans but all my family members are residing in mainland India. I am staying due to job. It is all due to livelihood we came to andamans. GOD knows whether it is possible or not.
At least Govt servants could be given LTC as per entitlement. In this time of need, IA can provide this facility to families wishing to go out of Port Blair. It will also reduce the load on relief activities and other needs such as food water etc, which are already scares for victims. Thus few of the population moving out may reduce the load and help in disguise to many.
All my family members said you come here by flight.  But where from the money will come I think. And sadness looms over me.
But thing is that since now relief operation is in full swing. All day I hear planes taking off and landing. Since airport is nearby, on down side of the hill on which our colony is situated in Chakargaon. We cannot reach there in short time, but can hear every sound of starting and stopping of plane engines. 
It is feared that many have died in these tidal waves. The toll may reach thousands.

Whole of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is having population of 356152 as per the census 2001. This is 2004 so the population would have been more than this figure. In Andaman district population 314084 and Nicobar District 42068. Port Blair being the capital area and URBAN centre of this territory has the largest portion of population of about 159845 persons. Nicobar district is reported to be worst hit by this calamity/disaster. Carnicobar Tehsil or block has 20292 persons and the Nancowry has the 21776 persons. Carnicobar is a small island and the capital (head quarter) area of the Nicobar District thus has the largest concentration of population. This area comprises of the 17 census habitations. IAF camp is one of the habitation having about 2000 persons.  There are more habitations having populations of approx 2000. They are Malacaa with 3000 persons, Lapathi 2691, MUS village has 1800, Sawai has 1300 and Tamaloo village has 1500 people.

However the Nancowry tehsil comprises of number of small and large islands with altogether 154 census habitations. Campbell bay in great Nicobar, which is a biggest island famous for “INDIRA POINT”, has the population of more than 4000 people.
While Mildera village has 1800 and Kamorta has 1884 persons. These are the largest populated areas of Nacowry tehsil. And others are on smaller islands with population of not more than 800 persons. But yes the destruction is more than the IAF camp as projected in MEDIA. Since these were smaller islands and almost of sea level. MEDIA has projected an incomplete picture of destruction. Since MEDIA could not reach these pockets and MEDIA could reach here only due to the destruction met to the IAF camp. MEDIA did not reach other parts of Nancowry since IAF was not there. It was feared that few islands have been completely washed off from the MAP. MEDIA did not or could not do the aerial survey of the islands.  Media could not reach Baratang area where the mud is rushing out just like the volcanic activity? Such news were coming so we came to know.
In news I read that one of the largest quake hit near Australia in the TASMANIA Sea at 2 AM on 24 December. it was of the 8.1 Richter scale under the sea. And after shocks were reported. If high-speed ships were available in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Relief could have been done with speed?
It was reported in MEDIA that 360 passengers were evacuated in morning and 360 more will be evacuated in evening. But we saw in TV that around 700 tourists were stranded at airport. Two or three airbuses could have sent them. Reasons may be that these tourists did not have air tickets or no money to purchase it. A scene is recalled where IA or AI has rescued passengers from Arabian countries, I actually don’t know whether AI Or IA charged money for that or not? A point to make here is that Even if I wish to go to mainland to meet my family in this disaster I have to shell out huge amount for three persons myself, my wife and son, each ticket is costing around 8000. In this disaster even IA don’t provide concession.
One thing they can do is to provide LTC tickets to us so that financial burden on us can be reduced at this point of time.

Is it possible to evacuate altogether 2 lakhs of people from Andamans to mainland by deploying sea ships combined with air lifting?

I enquired today (30-12-04) from the IA information desk at Port Blair airport and promptly got a reply that there is no concession for passengers wishing to go to mainland.
In wake of news that after shock may strike anytime we are in a bad state of mind to think what to do. We want to go out of this place to join our family. But being a govt servant I cannot do. And no possible help is coming from any agency to our assurance.
A news item was there informing that primitive tribes are safe (and are kept safe?). No body knows the exact number of JARAWA tribals. Not even Anthropological survey of India. This primitive tribe lives in jungles.  Often comes out occasionally, and it is only then the administration comes in their contact. There is an estimation of JARAWA population, it's around 200 or 300? Same is true for other tribes. Sentinelese and Onges. When the machinery is not sufficient to evacuate or to provide relief to citizens and at that point of time talking of safety of primitive tribes was being done. Why? On some other occasion this topic is good. But at this point of time bringing this topic in media is not good. Since the machinery tries to interact with PTGs without much success i.e sentenelise etc then how they think that admn can evacuate whole PTGs out of their habitat to a safer place? Admin. Should not be blamed.

one day I was in my office at 12.30 noon the phone rang. My father was other side. He said what happened?  In the news they are reporting that quake may hit Port Blair again. Nobody is receiving the phone calls at your home, what has happened check it? are you all safe? Tell me and if possible come back. I said I don’t know anything. I am in my Office with no link to the outside world. Nor even the local news etc. I rang in my home twice but yes nobody received it. I panicked and rushed out of my office. At the gate of my office(education dept) few office staff were looking shaken and said that they have announced red alert. Water may fill the Port Blair. I thought if my father may not have rang me I could have been washed out being in office???. (my staff all were gone out, venkat, Shobhana and all were out, I was on first floor, nobody told me. Since at these times everybody is engulfed with their personal safety first and do not bother for others. Thus all of them were rushing outside of the building and did not tell me. I was in my room doing various things on computer and other office stuff) 
There was panic on the road. Everybody on their vehicle was rushing opposite to the city (towards dairyfarm junction) and screaming at everybody that be alert!! run away, water is coming and filled the Aberdeen bazaar area. I thought my god what has happened to my family?  My legs and hands did not move. I was feeling as if I will fell down. Then suddenly I began to run towards my home. On the way I saw hundreds of people rushing here and there towards the hill at police line- the hill which oversees the Port Blair airport. At the hill I saw auto, scooter, trucks and even bus full of load are parked there.. People were coming from every direction. Few are moving to their homes I suppose (as i was).
Whole stretch I walked in the sun and looking at the hordes of people running screaming crying weeping. few fallen due to some reason or the other. Few were consoling each other, few old ladies seemed to be in despair, as if they have no wish to live or unable to fight old age. I saw them sitting at few places. In this mad rush they were unable to move quickly. But yes inside of me as I was stepping towards my house, with each step I was becoming more afraid of the unknown. I had never seen people in such a big number. I lost count of people. whole of area was filled with human heads. As I reached my colony and as soon as I saw the faces of my wife and son I was relieved of tension. I felt at home. BUT yes I was afraid that Oh GOD what's in store for me? What is going to happen to us? I asked GOD why you are taking my exam? And what sins I have committed? for which YOU are punishing me.  On every step towards home I felt that I am about to fell down. I thought what will happen to my son? Who will help them?
But an unnatural thing happened to me- I did not weep, which is against my nature.
I tried to calm myself and tried to indulge in talking with neighbours who had also gathered on road in our colony.
I was thinking why we were not being evacuated out of this hell, for all these days we were unable to sleep peacefully from Sunday to Thursday.
On Thursday evening there was news that there is no need to panic and everything is calm. God knows what is in store for us. I packed few old cloths and submitted to the dept for distribution among the victims.
I thought whether all the petrol and fuel used in the relief operations combined together with other resources will not be enough to evacuate the 2 lakhs of people out of Andaman. At present crores of money is flooding in for the relief works. Will that be not enough for evacuating all the people from the andamans? I guess out of the 3.5 lakhs only about 2 lakhs are living. May be, but only GOD knows. as the estimate is about 6 thousands. It could be more I thought? Since exact extent of devastation is not yet known. Brain is not working much it seems. Lot of bad thoughts are coming.

How India looks at this calamity is evident from TV which is splashing news of cricket matches and bollywood programmes and plans for new year’s celebration etc. Reality is That India is a big country.  Sorrow of one part is not sorrow of another part. they are all separate parts of India. BODOLAND or AGP did not say anything for the victims of tsunami. these victims too are citizen of India. And the whole ULFA or other factions fighting in Assam, are they not from INDIA??. Same is true for Manipur & Naga outfits fighting the govt. Where are the LITTE & Naxalite organizations??. Did organization fighting in Kashmir say anything about this calamity that struck in Andaman Nicobar?  First state to declare relief was GUJARAT GOVT. and when the VIPS visited the affected area, states ruled by the ruling party started declaring the relief.

This is India. I am a proud citizen of INDIA.
Still I am puzzled what to do in the present scenario.

Today is 5-1-2005. So many days passed since the tsunami episode. First feeling comes to me that why still I am not able to go out of these islands. Answer is within. why I have not tried to do so? Being a govt servant I heard that we are not allowed to go out on leave. I just heard and not seen any kind of order. So I did not apply for the same. Then how can I blame anybody else for it? There is one relief camp established at ITF Ground. I am going there often and try to do anything, which I can. One day I distributed the Mosquito nets to infants. I was sad that I could not give nets to the little older children means those who are older than 2 or 3 years. Even then I tried to provide the net to many children saying that try to take care of child while they sleep and told their elders that take care and keep their feet inside the net while sleeping. In the camp the central relief office has provided these nets. Then I thought what if all the persons can be given mosquito nets? BUT alas how can I decide I am a simple worker not the decision maker.
But then did the community think of the mosquito problem while providing the relief material?
I am not able to go out of this place but yes to my surprise now days I find many persons from Media, NGOs etc are flooding this place. God knows how they get permission or whether they are paying any charges for their flight tickets or enjoying the free pass under the garb of the PRESS.
I was thinking that is the money not enough to evacuate all the inhabitants of these islands to mainland India. Especially those who wish to go and join their families at Mainland. Daily relief works is in progress many flights are coming and going out of the Port Blair Airport. Still are they not enough to evacuate 1 lakh people? If around 37000 persons are working in A & N administration as per the census of govt. employees as on 2001. Even if we keep this figure as 40000 it is ok. mostly in Port Blair and other parts of islands both the spouses are in govt service. I mean the maximum number is of those ones. And remaining are supporting a family of say 3 or 4 dependents. Even then hardly (approximately) 1 lakhs people will be willing to go to mainland. So to say about 70000 people would be interested to go out of here. Can anyone evacuate these people with available resources?

Now there is chaos all around with the threats of looming danger of epidemic. Pipelines have been broken and pose a danger of contamination of water. Govt should at least chlorinate the water, which is supplied through pipelines. OR distribute the chlorine tablets in houses with the proper usage instructions. People residing in camps are mingling with the local city population. will that also pose any threat for communicable diseases or not? If it is not, then thank to GOD.

Workers/Volunteers at relief camps should be provided with the safeguard items such as masks /gloves etc.

I saw few media persons roaming in the relief camps searching here and there to find out what they can provide. Lot of “creativity” is going on in their brains. Few are capturing things on their lens also.
On many places I saw cracks. Huge ones are on the hilly side and on the both side of roads. I don’t know whether anyone noticed it or not. But yes we are missing some thing. after few years something similar will be devastating. It will cause a great damage to these walls.  Topography may change, Due to the onslaught on the nature. In name of development of the town many avoidable things have already been done. And foremost is the Cutting of the old trees. The trees were there since the very existence of islands. Such as Chakargaon area. In the Holland it is learnt that they have reclaimed the land from the sea. Can it be done in Port Blair?

In Japan they are working/developing a floating airport. Sounds good but can we do some work like this in India and be original. Why in India we can't work for innovations?

Later with time relief and rehabilitation work started showing results. Many people were evacuated from Nicobar islands. Few relief camps were established at Port Blair, in ITF ground and in schools also. Lots of NGOs and such agencies came. Few names I came to know were Action aid, Oxfam, save the children, CARE, HCC,  ACANI, world vision, SEEDS, VHAI Voluntary Health Association of India, West Bengal VHA , Dera saccha sauda, Khalsa Aid? I had argument with this group. Few Doctors came. Someone told one most famous considered as father of biochemistry from Bengal came and stayed at a hotel near Hindi sahitya kala parishad. I went to meet him and he prescribed medicines to me. Lots of people on mental health and counseling too came with WBVHA? 

As destiny unfolds in mysterious ways. While working in education department I think Shri Rajkumar was the director that time. he was given charge of relief camp at ITF ground. Thus being staff of education department we few staffs were instructed by Director to look into relief works there. As it was just opposite to our building we went there regularly for few days. As detailed above few works i tried to do. mostly i helped in distribution of relief material. Kits that were brought by central relief "disaster management department" were distributed among people who were sheltered at ITF ground. All were looking were brought from Nicobar district? 
PA to director and one my subordinate staff SI Sobhana told me that you are called from DC office, When i returned from lunch then they told me this. They added second line after one hour that you didnt go? you will be in trouble. I said whom i had to go to and report to? they said AD Mr Nair you can contact. Thus i rushed to DC office. Inside heart was pumping with unknown fear. God knows what will happen? if i dint go there? When i reached DC office, i enquired from everybody present there. no one was able to tell me anything. Later i came to know who is AD Mr Nair. He was a Malyali. He took me to another person called Gopinath? Both took me to a big room where I think Mr Puneet Goyal was sitting. Mr Gopinath had a talk with him. i was standing at door. He then directed us to go another room. On entering that room- to my surprise Mr VV Bhat ji was there. He was our Chief Secretary. Immediately he called me by name and asked Mishra Don't be afraid of these Malayali, if you are willing then only you can join here. To that sentence i became dumb. When Chief Secretary sir is saying something in this time of calamity-then how can i deny? being a govt servant how can i deny? Later all treachery was unfolded in front of me. Next day i didnt go to DC office. My staff and PA to Director expressed their surprise and asked why you didnt go there? they will take action on you. (these both were Malyali). Within seconds i was in office of DC. Mr Nair too had some expression on his face. I said no official order i received so i am unable to join. What i will show to my Director? i think after that an order was made that i gave in office of education department. And I started going to DC office daily afterwards. 
On ground floor there were many chairs, one i occupied. I was supposed to handle the NGOs work. What work and how to handle, whom to report all these things were not told to me. Since morning to late night i attended office. Sometimes i reached home at 11 in night in chakkargaon. No vehicle was there. so i had to come out of office, had to walk upto post office and wait for bus. in those times of crisis not many bus were plying. And chakkargaon had only 2 or max 3 bus services. that too uncertain. If i had to take a taxi then they charged double fare- why? for returning without passenger? chakkargaon was jungle or outskirt area so to say!!! few days i tried to take lift in Govt vehicles as i am not well known to anyone so those govt vehicles were not for me. one or two times i asked help from senior officers only when it was too late in night-and there was no hope of getting any vehicle to go to home. Mr KS Singh, I think Ajay Chagti ji was also in DC office. One new DANICS was my in-charge. He came to Andaman that week only when this tsunami struck. One Mr Parihar was there-later he was posted as AC Nancowry. One Mr Vikas Anand ji also was new and he was posted at Campbell Bay. all these officers discussed what to take along to these far off places- Some juice packets edible thing they bought from Port Blair.
From then on i had multiple of interactions with NGOs and their people. I had no office equipment. No stationary no computer nothing. I tried to seek help form staff of DC office. CS sir used to work from DC office only. In DC office i think central disaster control room was setup therefore everyone was visiting DC office building. I remember when Mr Ajay Chagti ji was working as SDM or ADM one format was circulated to all departments. In education department i had seen that format. Format was to collect all data regarding assets of dept- Buildings, vehicle etc. Thus it was very usefull document. If all departments could make it as per format then a central database could be developed, having specific information regarding availability of vehicles, human resources at every village and islands in UT. 
No body knew or even thought that such a disaster will struck us so soon. He was living in Chakkargaon, so on some day i gathered courage and asked him in night while leaving office to give me lift upto chakkargaon. I was lucky to travel in that vehicle with him on that night. Smt Anuradha Chagti, wife of Mr Ajay sir had worked as DS(planning) in secretariat.  

So, with time NGO people started coming. Many were directing them to meet me. Many of big names of NGOs used to go to CS or Relief commissioner or DC directly. They didnt like to talk to anyone else nor to me. Few NGO people came from UK etc (as they told) but were angry as they couldnt go to Campbell Bay. They were Sikh organizations. In Campbell bay area lot of Sikh origin or people from Punjab were settled. Thus they wanted to go there. I told them it is very difficult to go there by air. As that time lot of cleaning clearing work was going on by Administration. Not much of air connectivity was there. But those people didnt understand. They said they were able to fly in to Port Blair but how can't go to Campbell bay by flight? 
I came to know one MR SK Halder was also assigned the work of NGOs. On one morning i saw his goggles on table, after that whole he was absent. On next day he came and stayed there for 5 minutes and vanished in thin air. After that never saw him in office for more than 10 minutes. 
So much work i became aware of while sitting in DC office. Relief work was being done in full swing. Relief camps were planned and established. One was in some area near Brichgunj. Lot of materials were planned to be distributed among shelter/relief camp residents. Buckets, utensils, carpet & other essential daily use household items. 
Mr Udai or Uday was director social welfare, he was given main charge of relief materials. 
After few days I was told to move to Secretariat. Reaching there i came to know that Shri Janak Digal was in-charge of NGOs work. Thus i was supposed to work with him. Earlier Shri Anshu Prakash was development commissioner and was also looking after the NGOs work. He told me that wait for sometime, new officer will be coming and see what he thinks, then accordingly you work. Mr Janak Digal came. Now i was seated within that small chamber where PS/PAs of Secretaries sit. One Mr Gaels was there for few days later Mr Johny Kutty came. Mrs Omna, wife of Mr Johny was also there. Mr Ravi and Ms Saida were there. Santosh Jana was computer assistant attached with Development Commissioner.  Once in my absence Shri VV Bhat CS sir came there (that time Janak Digal had not joined yet, I was working under direct instructions of CS sir) CS sir had told something to Mr Gaels. When i came back from Lunch he told me to do that work. I prepared a table of all NGOs sector-wise where they are working or planned to work. When that table was seen by CS sir, He shouted are you people deef dumb? after sometime Mr Uday came, he saw my table and suggested some changes. Later same table was shown to CS sir by him. that table might have been required for any report to be sent to Ministry.  Later after few days news came CS had some heart attack kind of thing. He was flown out. Mr Samsher Sheriff came as new CS. 
Gradually lot of work i was doing on coordination with NGOs, as was the term given to my work? 
Agriculture person also joined. so in small room i think not less than 6 people were siting. 

Eastern India

In May 19 TOI there was a news item (actualy a pic) showing the Governor of Manipu being garlanded by the students at Churachandpur district. Next to it an item titled manipur students to block NH 39. I was very much disturbed by it.
I had been fondly keeping the eastern part of India in my "mind" world. I had visited till Shillong and not beyond it. The name churachandpur reminded me of a town in Uttar pradesh. Since the name sounds familiar like chandrachur singh isnt it. Manipur princes have been famous through out our history and often Warrior persons may be having title as SINGH even in Manipur. I like very much the manipuri Dance, the lai horaiba. Thong Ta, Pong cholam etc. If I am not correct in spellings then please correct me.
I love the manipur songs the way of singing accompanied with the dance, often which is protrayed as tha dance of Krishna and gopicas, the ras leela etc.
And the Sankara impact on manipur, under which the Krishna bhakti cult has been swayed over the region.
Why the people of the region think themselves alleniated. (read un-indian). Often regions have their own people elected to the power, all of had

dances of india

I wish i could write like Smt Shanta ji.
i saw a clip on DD Bharati of the Khajuraho festival. This year I could not see the festival due to the tsunami in andaman and nicobar islands. I saw the some jyoti srivastava performing ODISSI dance. The stage was nice. Temple in the backdrop illuminated by the lights looked magnificent. I always cherished the desire to perform at that stage. But alas for that one has to be a good class performer. And I am not that well. Also I have not got opportunity to continue my learning of dance under a GURU. Though I keep Smt Shanta as one of my GURUs but she don't take credit. Though I give full credit to her for kindling interest in me for nice writing and to improve my style while performing. that Means - when I read her articles covering the performance of great dancers, through them i come to know some points to keep in my mind while performing, lest to invite her critic, imagining that she is among the audience. So i consider her as a factor for improvement. that means she has been My guru.
The dancer performed the abhinaya on the stage. but i think  these stage do not provide opportunity to show our abhinaya prowess. It can be improved if Screens may be provided on the sides of stage at which magnified or close up could be shown to the audience. But then it will distract the attention of the audience from stage to the screen. That's why the abhinaya aspects are better shown in the GARBH GRIHA of temples and the court room or mehfil or Baithaks. Not for the stage.
One thing I would like to say over the dance which i saw in the clip is that she does not looked quite graceful. I mean in certain mudras she was having restriction of body.
Previously i had many times saw the performances of Smt Sonal Mansingh and that of Late Smt Sanjukta Panigrahi. And compared one as the RAW and other as sophisticated. It is anybody's guess to keep them in these group.
I have met both of them and touched their feet to get their blessings at IIT Kanpur, when they came to perform there and at Delhi also many times. Kamani etc.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Mind bloging barriers

Migration is the natural instinct. Some traits must have been inherited by the humans from animals. Siberian cranes do come to India and so do many other birds and animals. Turtles come to the Orissa and Andaman Nicobar Islands for nesting. Great Sahara and Safari and Kalahari areas of Africa are famous for great migration of herds of wilder beasts, Zebra and Elephants etc. Thanx to Discovery and National Geographic channels. Through them only we are able to view those magnificent moments.
Now days scientist are working to find out the connection in the DNA of the humans. As it is often heard that the mother of all human races of world lies in the African land. And that too they claim due to scientific theory of the mitochondrial DNA. Thus they have started collecting DNA sample from all over the path they guessed. Such as in Iran then in in South India, Burma, Thailand and all through up to the Mangolia etc. then they found many persons related to the certain prints of DNA, known as finger prints. That indicates  we are related to each other and races also. There had been controversy that Australian Indigenous Ttribal people are related to some of the Indian tribal group. Similar is the story of the a lost tribe of the JEW living in the North East India. History has it that Zorastrians, the worshipers of the SUN or FIRE now known as Parsis were accommodated in the society of India many centuries ago.
So we in India are proud to be cosmopolitan in nature since centuries. The Hindu society had been secular, accommodating, flexible for ages.
My point here was to write some thing about the South East, and i am dribling towards north.

We in the south east ASIAN nations have a long common history. WHy And How?.
Since the times of the CHOLA who ruled on south India, the seaways of the Indian ocean have been under their control. The chola expeditions extended to the land of Indonesia, Malaysia, Combodia etc.
Due to that some of the lost traits are still found prevalent in those lands. The AnGkorWat temple is the famous example. The temples and rituals of the Indonesia are much similar to our hindu ways. The Names of people of Thailand & Srilanka etc sound similar to Indian.
Often I feel that the culture traits are similar. The moral teachings are the same. Be they follow the Budha's teachings or the Sri RAM all are the same. From Thailand, combodia, malaysia, Indonesia all the people are same. Then I often think that where is the Barrier, why people of these countries don't mingle like brothers. WHat is there which stops them. I think there are some vested interest which do not want this part of world to grow. This part of the world should be more open for their brothers and should come together to make bonds stronger so that we can live in peace and prosper with each others help.

History will tell that this region and its people have seen and gone through most worst and most horrible experiences and still these nations are marching ahead. That is the strong point.
to carry the life as it comes. thanx to Gautam Budha and Shri Ram and their teachings.
If people of this region unite together then there will be only one force to reckon with and that would be the South East council if we say so with members as countries of this region. Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Combodia etc........

It is my dream. lets see when comes true. 

Friday, May 13, 2005


often I am amazed to see the distorted map of India on BBC. The parts of the Jammu and Kashmir which are integral parts of India and now under the PAK known as POK are not shown as part of India. What if we erase part of North Ireland from teh map of UK since it is an occupied territory. Then I know, elite group will cry and criticise our sensibility.

LOC is a good serial being aired at the Star Plus channel and must be watched by the migrants community in UK. If it at all possible. The aisan community living in UK should unite together and live in Harmony as we did in the PRE-PARTITION era. and i dont suppose that on other side of border people still enjoy hte harmony or not.
I also many times think that what PAKISTAN children may be reading as HISTORY. Since the nation came into being only in 1947. Once in UNESCO publication I read on the cover 5000 years heritage of PAKISTAN. I could laugh and bemused. but shocked to read that. HOW come PAKISTAN had a golden 5000 year heritage?? Thus thought came into mind about the level of sensibility of the ELITE group- which often consist of less informed, self proclaimed scientist people- nominated in international bodies, and belong to West- have towards the EAST.
No body voiced the resentment over the publication. MOHAN jodaro lies in the political boundaries of PAKISTAN But since centuries that part have been the part of the very indian thought. We know it from the period of CHANAKYA and the invasion by the Alexander known as SIKANDER, with whom our HERO the king PURU fought.
Mahatma Gandhi must not be happy over the partition and i am sure that ABDUL Gafar Khan must be feeling same. India is great. WHY ? Since my childhood I know, read over time about ABDUL GAFAR KHAN who is often known as contemporary of GANDHI Ji, as the Frontier Gandhi. and still in my world of thoughts he has prominent place. But Can I think any such thing about a child from PAKISTAN. Most and Many of the bigwigs of PAKISTAN must have been born on the soil of INDIA and same is the position on this side. SO why and where is the Barrier. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

kamal in andaman

Andaman group of islands are just like a lotus in the andman sea. Post tsunami something have changed its location. For few it has become a most sougth place to visit and for some most fearfull place. Though it had been "kalapani" the black water for many for ages. However for unknown it has become most known place in the map of asia. However now the place is returning to normalcy. people have to keep up the struggle for existance.
Life in these islands had never been easy and not going further to be easy in future also.
People themselves have to stand up and do something more sustainable so that future for temsleves become safer.
They can take inpiration from the sumatra where recently the international conference was held despite of the tremors.
few things are required to be thought of for development of these islands. the sea water transport and the air transport which are the life line of these islands are to be develpoed.
At a time there must be four to five helicopters. Two big copters for transportation of goods for inter islands distribution of commodities and in urgency for disaster situations. 20 ships or boats for transport via sea.
The HOVER CRAFT (or amphibian if we may say so) type are the best for these islands they are best suited for the coast gaurd and also they ar ehelpfull vis a vis coastal make up of these islands.
Four HIGH SPEED ship/boats for mainland connectivity are necessary for the common people to go for mainland- which they do - when they are compelled to do by their ailments- when in last stages.
For middle class more private airlines should be allowed to land here with competetive apex fares. Specially from March to July number or frequency of fligths should be increased. so that large chunk of population from the Andaman and mainland as well can transmute.

This part of world has been cut off for centuries all together, until the invasion of "Elite forces" the British. Since then there has been continous onslaugth in these virgin islands. Few have been completely reshaped. And more recently Tsunami has reshaped few of the islands.

Great Andamanese tribe original inhabitants of Andamans have been completely washed out and now remaining 49 are confined to a small islands where they have been rehabilitated to conserve the TRIBE, after being uprooted.

Setlers in large numbers are now residing in these islands. Now they have all been catgoriesed as pre42, local born, pre 78, 10 years categories etc. But Truth is that all of them are not original inhabitants of these islands.

Tourism and fisheries are the two main sectors which can be helped to develop these islands as thrust areas.
Comments for improvement are invited send email