For many years I tried to copy a
dance step, which I saw in film Kalpana. The dancer did fly doing steps. The
famous duo of sisters Ragini and Padmini did the song “Tu hai mera Prem Devta”
in film Kalpana. But I did try for few years then gave up since I could not do
it. Later as I grew up and came to know that the films are made edited, and now
effects are inserted by computer. In film Avatar we could see the partial Human
and partial aliens. The set on which the dance of film Kalpana was shot was
superb. I think what they might have done with it. Whether they broke it down?.
I think they must have conserved it. It was a work of ART. The SHIVA statue and
the wall fresco with engraved sculptures, all were superb.

Both the characters were in a competition
and offering their Kalaa tapasya (the art of dance) to the God. And from that
dancer whose dance the lord wakeup will be the winner. There are two Bhaav. One
is the swift, energetic and proud of itself. The other one is as we call
Dheer-Gambeer, the serious full of Bhakti and devotion towards the lord. The
chirrupy was portrayed through the GANGA, who is always considered as full of
energy and proud of her own power. The other was portrayed through GAURI the
consort of Shiva who is always devoted to the Lord SHIVA, A true Bhakti. When
we see the dancers, one can immediately gets glimpses of their mood and kind of
personality. First is the dress and second is the body movement. The Ragini ji
has assumed the Ganga, who is always energetic. The ornaments and the dress
were matching to the personality of Ganga-who is full of power and proud-ness and
shows this by her movements. As I have read in the story of Ganga avataran. Shiva
knew this side of hers. That’s why he was ready and alert to protect others
from drowning by the power of Ganga, which she intended before coming down. But
the power was brought under control by the Lord Shiva’s long traces of hairs.
That means scientifically speaking the Turbulence force was controlled by the putting
enough small channels so that the force is diverted in many directions and not
in one channel. Like to distribute the one gushing river water into many
smaller canals so that water gets distributed in these smaller channels and
does not effect much in the main river.
The other dancer was dressed in a
well manner not too loud and not too flashy. Padmini ji portrayed the Dheer
Gambheer and devotion with her movements. Both of them were great and very
learned artists. They were the part of Trio known as Travancore (trio)sisters. I
read in the illustrated weekly a news article about them many years back
(almost 30 years). I still don’t remember much about Lalita ji the third sister
member of trio.
The backdrop was also powerfull and
made its impact on the aesthetics, and well accompanied the dance sequences;
the camera was all through made us to see whatever was possible with the techniques.
Remember at those time the technology available to those camera man. They have
done the impossible job. Since they thought differently and tried to bring the
imagination alive for us. They succeeded in their work. I salute all those
involved in making these songs, picturisation, writers, screenplay etc.
I remember a day when I had gone to
house of Dolly didi with one of my distant cousin. She was classmate of Dolly
didi. In Chakravarty they had a tape recorder. They played the song “Tumko dil
diya itni naaz se”. On hearing The song immediately started dancing(inside
somewhere) not in their home. The beats and the sound of music was so powerfull
that one cannot resist swaying with the beats.
Later one day I saw it in chitrahaar on Doordarshan. Ragini and Helen ji were there in the dance.
They did superb job. I don’t imagine anybody finding any fault with their
dancing. Remember in
those days when technology was not so advanced.
the Ragini and Helen ji have done perfect job. The Choreography was excellent and
the music was mind blowing. Anybody who has inclination to the good music will
certainly praise the way the play of beats was brought out in this song and
over that the dance steps to meet the beats was also a tough job. The song is
pleasant on ears but the dance was very difficult to choreograph. I don’t know
whether in those days any award was given to choreography and costume etc. This
dance was one of the most suited for the top slot.
But still till day I remember and
keep remembering the day when I heard the song on tape recorder of Dolly didi
at Type two, IIT Kanpur. I am thankfull to them for letting me hear that song. I
hope that Smt Shanta Serbjit Singh reads this page and comment on it’s
contents. I consider her as the first Guru, who through her articles on Dance
in newspaper always inspired me. And More so living at Kanpur I got the news of
happenings in Dance scene. There was no question my going everywhere just see
DANCE. As a boy I was expected to study and become someone and not a naachwala
or nautanki wala etc.
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