Diamond of Kathak
Joshi ji
compiled by Gaurang Katyan Mishra(gmisra@iitkalumni.org)
When I met “Diamond” of Kathak, Smt Damyanti Joshi ji
It was a fine evening at the hall L7in IIT Kanpur. It
is a lecture hall but doubled as the best auditorium for all kinds of activities.
The L7 was unique, everyone in the IITK Campus knew the destination. Be a film
show, natak, a debate, or Lec-Dem of SPICMACAY or dance performance of Swapna
Sundari ji, or Music or vocal rendition by Smt GanguBai Hangal. All were held
in this L7.
There was a show by the Lucknow Kathak Kendra. A team
from kendra came to perform. I could not believe my eyes when I saw Smt
Damyanti Joshi ji. It was just like a dream. Since at L7, I could easily sneak-in
all such programs. I immediately touched her feet to seek her blessings. Long
ago I had seen her on Doordarshan. Thus one can imagine what happens to a child
when he sees a star which he had seen on TV. I was out of this world. Later
when she came to know that I am a keen student of Kathak, She immediately turned
towards a Man. She said see it is good that he is willing to join us at
Lucknow, we have shortage of boys in Kathak at Lucknow.
Later she asked me to come to Lucknow Kathak Kendra
anytime. Without any hesitation you come to me- she had told me. No other
person had said such words to me before, apart from one person. That another
person was wife of our president R Venkentaraman. Once she came to IIT Kanpur
campus to visit her daughter, whom I knew as Vijaya Aunty, I went to aunty’s
house for some work. There I met her mother. That time R Venkataraman was Vice
president. She told that you come to Delhi and inform at gate- so and so has
come from IIT Kanpur. I really missed the opportunity to visit the Up-Rasthrapati’s
house in New Delhi. Similarly when most
respected Damyanti ji said those kind words I was filled with lots of emotions,
imaginations etc. But What I could have done at that time. In both instances I
was a “nobody”, how could I go to their places.
Later after some time I heard that due to some reasons
Damyanti ji did not continue as the director, Kathak Kendra, Lucknow. It was
not her loss. It was loss of Lucknow. It was a great loss for me personally. She
was the true example of Kathak. Since she had learnt from guru of Jaipur
Gharana and also from All the three gurus of Lucknow, Achchan Maharaj, Lachu
Maharaj and Shambhu Maharaj. Thus She was a GEM- a Diamond of Kathak. Whose
glitter never fades. That is the only quality by which a diamond is recognized.
As a four year old child she used to play in the
courtyard of a house belonging to the Shokhey’s household. The lady of the
house madam shokey was none other but known as Madame Menaka. She was also a
great performer, a gifted one. She adopted this child, the daughter of Smt
Vatsala. Who was working in this household. Thus began the association of two
stars. Under the guidance of Madam Menaka the career of Damyanti ji started
charting a path, which always strode upwards. Till Damyanti ji became a glittering
star herself. Madam Menaka selected teachers for her daughter-Damyanti ji.

Legend has it that when the Guru Mahalingam Pillai the
great Nattuvanar started school in Bombay to teach BharatNatyam, Smt Damyanti
Joshi was the first student the moment the school started. That tells the
alertness both Damyanti ji and Madam Menaka had and behind all, the approval of
her mother might have been a great strength.
She started wearing Saree while dancing
As the training continued under tutelage of various
great masters, Damyanti ji with her determination and will power emerged as a
true artist. She learnt the intricacies of art-Kathak. She did not follow the
art for the sake of fame. She was a true artists at core. Her renditions were
pure art. She mastered over the Abhinaya and the “dheer” emotion of taal. As we
know Kathak has been used as a chamatkari nritya- that means the dance
specially the gunghrus were used to have some surprising effect on the audience,
using the high speed laya and taal (beats). So as to mesmerize everybody. But,
She chose Vilambit laya, the lowest speed while dancing. Through the slow beat
the focus remains on the abhinaya, or so to say, if someone has truly mastered
an art, it can be judged only through the vilambit laya-the Slow pace.
In another article I read that she did not like the
introduction /announcement before any item. As she felt that dance itself
should be able to communicate with the Audience. What is the need to inform the
audience before-hand. If a dancer tells to audience before dance That means
artist has failed in its objective. Kathak means the story telling. If we are
not able to convey the story though our gestures then we fail ourselves.
She was also master in the Nayika Bhed, or the Astha
Nayikas. The eight types of mood or heroines. As earlier I had written about
Natraj Gopi Krishna, he was a true natraj and he demonstrated the nayika bhed
with added masala. Small little things like pulling the hair pin with teeth and
then putting on plait. But Damyanti ji demonstrated within the boundaries as
defined in the shastras. She has been credited to introduce the practice of
wearing Saree while dancing.
I attended several Lec Dem and seminars etc. In one utsav of Kathak at Delhi in
evening there was program of Smt Damyanti Joshi ji in the FICCI auditorium. The
year is not important. It was I think 1994/95?? It was quite late in night. I
was strong lover of dance. I reached the FICCI, but when I entered the
auditorium I felt ashamed. Felt very sad. At least when such a star artist and
that too a senior artist of her status has come down to Delhi and more over she
has the determination to perform herself on stage at that advanced AGE, all the
dance fraternity must be present there. But I felt sad that only few days back
there was a programme by Smt Uma Sharma ji for Spastic society of India. The
FICCI auditorium was full. But when Damyanti Joshi danced in same auditorium
not much seats were filled. Only a quarter of hall was with human heads. That
day inside me I wept somewhere. But as I am a nobody, whom I could complain.
kudos to that spirit, Damyanti Ji came on stage and danced with gunghroos on her
feet. She danced few Tihais and chakardars also. Sometimes it seemed she will
fell down. But She composed herself and completed dance. I salute her spirit. I
saw her dancing at that advanced age is no sort of miracle for me (as a student
of art). Not many from Kathak Kendra were there. However few from organizers
and prachin kala Kendra were there too.
I have taken from internet. Now days anyone can google pictures. But for us the
students of arts this medium is very beneficial as we can atleast see many
works of arts.
to the Google, The internet which has become a world wide web…..no one can come
out of it!!! Google from a noun has become a verb!!!